Calvin and Xiaowei complete their internships

The group celebrated the achievements of Calvin and Xiaowei last Friday with pizza and drinks in the sun. They both return home to finish the final year of their undergraduate studies. Though we are sad to see them go, we are appreciative of their hard work this summer and are excited to follow them on their future chemistry endeavors!

Welcome Chenxi!

Undergraduate intern Chenxi Liao visits the lab from Nankai University. There, he worked in both Professor Fei Wang’s group and in the lab of Professor Zhongwen Wang. In the Engle lab, Chenxi will be exploring Pd-catalysis with Juntao. Welcome to the group!

Janine and Madeline complete their internships

Two successful internships came to an end two weeks ago. The lab celebrated Janine’s and Madeline’s achievements with a group dinner and a sunset trip to the beach. Janine returns to UCSD for the final stretch of her Master’s, and Madeline heads back to Davidson College to finish her Bachelor’s degree. We wish you all the best on your future endeavors!


Welcome to our newest crop of 1st year graduate students Hermione, Al, and Yiyao!

Hermione graduated with her master’s in chemistry from Northwestern University working with Prof. Regan J. Thomson. Just before joining the Engle lab, she did a summer internship with Prof. Jie Li at Soochow University.

Al received his master’s degree in chemistry at Michigan University. There, he worked in the group of Prof. Melanie Sanford.

Yiyao joins the lab after finishing his undergraduate degree at Nankai University where he worked under the guidance of Prof. Gong Chen. Yiyao was also a visiting student at UCLA in the Tang Lab. Welcome to the Engle Lab!